'Buddies of Blank' a 1 year Anniversary for Blank Gallery
To celebrate the one year anniversary of Blank Gallery, Blank Gallery is hosting a celebration from April 20 - June 3. Titled ‘Buddies of Blank’ Opening April 20, 6-8pm Blank Gallery is hosting an array of interactions with the gallery space.
Blank Gallery is excited to share ‘Buddies of Blank’ a 1 Year Anniversary Celebration. Celebrating the amazing community of friends and family we have been able to connect with over the quick one years’ time, we invite all to come see an interactive celebration of all the amazing artists, friends and family and their works.
On one side of the gallery space, Blank Gallery has connected with all the beautiful artists, friends and family that they have connected with over this amazing one year period and invited them to create works and cover the walls of Blank Gallery. No names, no titles, just simply a celebration of art and the many creative friends and family in our community.
Another component to the celebratory 1 Year Anniversary show, Blank Gallery invites all to plaster the ‘Buddies of Blank’ canvas with artist stickers and decorations. Also inviting contribution from all, Blank Gallery also has four Blank canvases and invites all to contribute to the canvas, painting, drawing and writing anything that connects you with the Blank Gallery space. Both these components will build up over the duration of the show highlighting again the many friends and family we have enjoyed sharing this lovely anniversary with.
All the posters for each exhibition that Blank Gallery has done up to this 1 Year celebration is also on display, so Blank Gallery invites you to take a trip down memory lane on the shows that Blank Gallery has been so blessed to share with you in this quick 1 years’ time.
We would love to share this amazing opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved with us during this one year period and we look forward to continue to enjoy and connect with each other through creative expression and experiences. Blank Gallery is so excited to share this experience and time with you as we enjoy with everyone our first birthday.
'Buddies of Blank' a 1 Year Anniversary for Blank Gallery