HK:PM: Hong Kong Night Life 1974 - 1989 by Greg Girard
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Greg Girard
First released Nov 1, 2017.
Second Edition 2025
Hard Cover
7x9.5 inches (17.8x24.7cm)
160 pages
With an introduction by legendary Hong Kong film director Ann Hui.
“I started taking photographs at night as soon as I picked up my first camera. I never really thought of them as “night” pictures. It was just a different kind of light, whether neon, fluorescent, moonlight or the light of the city reflected off an overcast sky. But Hong Kong was alive at night in a way that other places weren’t,” says Girard. Alive indeed, when darkness falls another world comes out to play and 'HK:PM' capture just that.
'HK:PM' is Greg Girard’s ode to nocturnal Hong Kong between 1974 and 1989, the earliest work of the photographer’s long relationship with Asia. A journey exploring the underside of a city he first visited as a teenager in 1974 and and later lived in for 15 years. The photographs in HK:PM are imbued with the noir allure and seedy pastels of Hong Kong in its prime.
HK:PM shows people at work, people at play, and simply getting on with their lives, mostly with the particular atmospheric backdrop of Hong Kong at night. A world onto itself, a place where jetliners almost touch the buildings when they come in for landing, where your desires can be met at an instant, and where people from all over the world pass through.
Not portraying the glamour that some may associate with the city, instead we are invited to see how this place may have been tough for some, however driven by the hope that is the “Hong Kong Dream.” Attracted to the hidden and often dark beauty in everyday life, Girard is a champion of the common man as he explores “the often overlooked features that define daily life for its residents.”
「當我擁有第一台相機後,便開始在夜間拍攝。但我從未沒有將它們視為『夜景』照片。不管是霓虹燈、螢光管、月光或是從陰雲密布的天空中反射出來的城市之光,於我來說都只是不同的光。但是香港在夜間卻充滿其他地方沒有的獨特活力。」吉拉德 說。 當黑夜降臨時,另一個世界乍然出現,《HK:PM》恰好捕捉了這一點。
《HK:PM》是 格雷格·吉拉德(Greg Girard)於 1974 年至 1989 年間,在香港夜間裡所奏出的頌歌,這亦成為了攝影師長期記錄亞洲的最早期作品之一。 1974 年,當吉拉德還是一名少年時,他第一次拜會這座城市的陰暗面,後來卻在此居住了十五年。《HK:PM》中的照片充滿了香港的黑色魅力和風流的粉彩色調。